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St Anne's School and Sixth Form College

We All Achieve


Sixth Form Provision

Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form) .... Jeremy Kielly

The Sixth Form continues to attract students from different local authorities. We currently have 36 students on roll.

Through the student council students’ ideas and opinions are valued and where appropriate embedded into Sixth Form life and the curriculum.

The Sixth Form curriculum and everyday life is aimed to prepare students for adulthood. It also focuses on allowing students to have a voice and make informed choices about what they would like to do as they move through sixth form and into the future.

All students in years 12, 13 and 14 have a rich functional skills programme which is tailored to the wide range of abilities. Accredited functional skills courses run from pre-entry level to Level 2 and are assessed through course work. 

Where relevant the sensory curriculum continues for those students it is appropriate for.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays Students have the opportunity to enjoy the curriculum options they have chosen. Some of the activities the students do are:

Horticulture at Bishop Burton College

Woodworking at Bishop Burton College

Arts Award

Welton Waters


Fit4Fun sports


Duke of Edinburgh Awards


Some of these options run off site which is ideal for integration and team working with mainstream schools. They also give the students a sense of independence and allow the teaching of underpinning personal development themes such as stranger danger, keeping safe and personal hygiene.

Fridays are always a very enriching day where the St Anne’s school site comes to life with a variety of exciting enterprise activities. The students have the opportunity to run their own café and shop as well as learning how to use power tools to create items to sell/use in woodworking.

All activities are underpinned with either AQA units, Arts Awards, ASDAN accreditations and other school-based awards.

We offer a wide range of opportunities to speak with individuals from a variety of industries through visits to businesses to guest speakers coming in to college. We have recently added some new work experiences for our students to partake in from Reckitt Benckiser Group to Aspire Gymnastics where students have the opportunity to experience what the workplace is like in a preferred industry.


Four Seasons Cafe

Ex pupils and ex staff are invited in to our Four Seasons Cafe the first Friday of every month; please ensure you book in advance to avoid disappointment.