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St Anne's School and Sixth Form College

We All Achieve


Online Safety

Online Safety Lead  ....... Jess Torrie


Welcome to the St Anne's Online Safety page.  On this page you will find regular updates of what is happening with Online Safety in school, resource links for parents and students, and most importantly, news on how our students are learning to be safe. 


Here at St Anne's, we take Online Safety issues very seriously.  We ensure that our learners receive regular E-safety lessons.  All staff receive regular E-safeguarding training and updates.


Useful Links for Parents

Advice by age:Younger children need different advice and guidance than older children. Older children need different advice and guidance than teens. It can be really difficult keeping up with everything that is online and what risks and issues may affect children of different ages, so on these pages there is some age-related advice and guidance for parents and carers:Pre-school - - 10 year olds - - 13 year olds - plus - up devices:It can be difficult knowing all the different settings that are available on different devices to help protect children, this includes allowing or disallowing chat, friends, spending money, content filters and much more. On these pages you will find the details, as well as non-technical instructions, which will help you understand what is available to you and how to set up your child's devices.Gaming consoles and devices - - and mobile networks - and search engines - settings on social media:With many children and young people using social media it is important to understand what features are available to you to help protect your children. This is also important because for the most part, all privacy settings are default off when a new account is created, but also because some social media providers change their features quite frequently, e.g. TikTok.Take a look at this link to see what is available to you and how to set up your child's social media. We would also advise doing this with your child so that you can discuss the features together. good games, as well as knowing what is appropriate for the age of the child isn't easy, particularly when there can be lots of peer pressure to play the more popular games which are not always appropriate. Taming Gaming is a great resource for parents to find new games for children as well as lots of advice about content, suitability etc.

June 2024 news ........we have received the Online Safety Mark for the 3rd time

Read the report

 Online Safety policies
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Computing statement ….

The staff at St Anne’s will ensure that all students in school remain safe in an increasing digital world.
This will be done in a variety of ways including teaching students how to stay safe, monitoring the use of computers/tablets, being available for students to come to with concerns and providing the level of support required for each student to access digital technology safely.
Students at St Anne’s will have access to computers/ tablets for their own learning in different curriculum areas and for leisure time where appropriate. Students will be issued with their own Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) if required depending on their age/ ability and computer usage.


The Screen Time Diet: Helping Your Teen Find The Balance With Tech

Guide to Screen Addictions and Responsible Digital Use

Thinkuknow Parents Helpsheets

Thinkuknow website for guidance and support with keeping children safe online. 

Useful Links :-

Useful Videos:-


THE KEY -  a safeguarding hub that allows your parents to access interactive guidance on setting up parental controls on their child’s devices, as well as guidance on apps like TikTok, YouTube and Instagram and more. Visit......


Download #DITTO - an on line E-Safety magazine, alternatively visit the website below





Useful links

Please click on the logo's to access the information.


Parent Zone 


Parents and carers - Safer Internet Centre

Advice about key esafety topics like social networking, as well as how-to guides for setting up filters and parent settings.



Online Safety 

 Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.


Home Turn SafeSearch on or off - Search Help

SafeSearch can help you block inappropriate or explicit images from your Google Search results. The SafeSearch filter isn't 100% accurate, but it helps you avoid most adult content.



Key Stage 2 Safe Search engine website for children



Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre.

We protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.



 Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it.