PSHE Lead .... Emma Holmes
Emotional Health and Wellbeing 2025
Personal, Social, Health and Education - PSHE 2024
RSE Relationships and Sex Education 2025
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural - SMSC 2025
At St Anne’s Personal, social, health and citizenship and economic education (PSHE) is taught from early years right through to the age of 19. PSHE aims to provide children and young people with skills and knowledge that will support them personally and socially. At St Anne’s we do this through classroom-based activities such as discussions, games, stories and practical lessons but also through community visits. Below are just some of the areas that are covered in PSHE at St Anne’s.
- Independence skills
- Keeping safe
- Relationships and sex education (friendships, puberty, safe relationships)
- Being Healthy
- Keeping Safe
- Understanding emotions
- Self-regulation support
- All about me
PSHE outcomes are taken from the PSHE curriculum progression ladder based on the curriculum that each pupil is following. The rationale for this is to ensure that objectives and lessons are catered to meet the needs and abilities of each individual. We want lessons to be built around what we believe is most important for the child or young person and that the objectives they are working on will positively impact the wider life of each individual.
If you have any further questions relation to PSHE, please don’t hesitate in contacting the PSHE co-ordinator – Emma Murray.